Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

dap poster 2

I am working on a seasonal poster campaign. Perhaps dap goes to schools and holds its events on a seasonal basis.

Depending on the different season, perhaps it would have an effect on what kinds of activities would be available. Whether the events would be held inside or outside, or something along those lines.

Monday, November 2, 2009

dap poster 1

The graphic for this poster was created by repeatedly rotating the logo type, to create a snowflake-like effect. Also, trying to further the idea of looking at things from all sides.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

dap logo

These are the two different styles I have for the logo. If you look at the fingers where they overlap, thats where you will find the differences.

The one on the right looks a bit cleaner, although the one on the left has a nice offset quality to it.

I want the logo to read "dap" when it's either facing up or flipped down. I tried tampering with the "a" to make this possible. My favorite solutions so far are 1 and 4. What do you think?

Infographic Idea 1

This was the early stage of my info graphic that I brought to class. I'm going to scrap this idea and try to come up with something more stylized. Something less generic in terms of the shapes of the hands.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Aesthetic Experiment #1

This is a series of experiments with a style I came up with. Once I started, I just wanted to see where I could take it and if it would lead me to other ideas.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thesis Idea

I would like to do some research on Ambidexterity. Many of the great minds in human history have been ambidextrous, such as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein, and Benjamin Franklin just to name a few. Perhaps being ambidextrous has an effect on ones brain and intellect by being able to use both hemispheres of the brain equally, creating somewhat of an expanded or evolved mind. How does this affect the brain and what is it that makes people choose one hand over the other?

Being a lefty myself, I have noticed it can be a struggle to do certain things in a world built for the right-handed. I want to portray that there are two sides in this world and I’d like to challenge people to look at things from both perspectives. Perhaps more accommodations and “universal” designs should be made with dexterity in mind, instead of oppressing left-handedness.